## Welcome Welcome to the published version of my [[Second Brain]], otherwise known as a '[Digital Garden](https://maggieappleton.com)'. The only thing I ask you to remember: *It's a deliberately-incomplete work in progress*. ## What is this thing? This website is... - [[A Digital Garden is a public filing cabinet of my thoughts and ideas|My notes on things that interest me, across my work and personal life]] - My attempt at [[learning in public]] - A little bit like an old-fashioned 'wiki' site (like Wikipedia) with interlinked notes - Non-linear. Feel free to wander around and see where your 'feet' take you. ## Getting started You might just want to *dive in*: see an [[_Home Index|overview of everything]] in my second brain. Before that, you might like to... - Learn [[Why I'm sharing my second brain]]. - Read the [[Digital Garden Terms of Service]]. - Find out more [[all about me]]. - Discover how best to [[Navigating this website|navigate this website].